Service Satisfaction Survey
Answers marked with a * are required.
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1. How did you last contact customer service?

2. If you have a customer service issue number or representative's name, please enter it here.
3. General satisfaction
  Very Dissatisfied Not Satisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
Overall, how happy are you with our customer service?
Overall, how satisfied are you with our products?
4. How satisfied are you with our customer service representatives related to the following aspects
  Very Dissatisfied Not Satisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
Understood my needs
5. Where do we need to improve most?

6. Compared to our competitors, would you rate our customer service as

7. From a customer service prospective, would you recommend us?

8. What else could we do better? Do you have any other comments?
9. Please add your email address and full name if you would like us to follow up with you.
10. Would you like to join our newsletter to keep up with news and improvements? (If so, please make sure you've filled in your email address above)