Why Consumers Purchase Video Games Online
Answers marked with a * are required.
1. Do you own a games console such as the Nintendo Wii, Xbox 360 or Playstation 3?
2. What games consoles do you own?
3. During an average week, how many hours will you spend playing video games?
4. What genre of game(s) do you usually play?
5. Please rate your skill level at playing most video games

6. How do you purchase your games?
7. Can you give a reason for this? For example you trust the store/website
8. If you purchase video games virtually do you leave a review e.g. a comment or star rating?

9. Do the opinions found on social media sites such as Facebook/Twitter influence your purchase decision?
10. Do you follow game companies via emails, newsletters or social media sites?
11. Can you please give a reason for this
12. Now I have some questions about yourself and your household, just so we can be sure that we have a good cross section of people in our sample.

What is your gender?
13. What is your age group?
14. What is your employment status?
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Created with SurveyExpression Survey Software.