ABVote Test Survey
Answers marked with a * are required.
1. What devices are your using? 
2. Where are you located? 

3. How easy was it for you to register through this app?

4. How easy was it for you to navigate effectively on the interface?

5. How easy was it for you to find information utilizing this interface?

6. Did you find any bugs during the test?
7. If yes, can you describe it?
8. What was the most frustrating thing about your experience?
9. What other ideas do you have about how it could be improved?
10. What did you like about it?
11. How likely are you to recommend this app to a friend or colleague (0=Not at all likely, and 10=Very Likely)?

12. What's your Email address?
(For gift purpose, and we will never spam or sell your information to anyone!)

Created with SurveyExpression Survey Software.