Ethical and Sustainable Fashion - Significance and Understanding - Questionnaire
Answers marked with a * are required.
1. Are you Male or Female?  *
2. What is your age? *
3. What is your Occupation? If you're a student - what do you study? *
4. What is your annual income? *
5. What is your Martial status? *
6. What area of London do you live?
Please answer with your post code. 
7. What is your preferred/commonly used mode of transport on a scale of 1 to 5?
Rate these modes of transport from 1 to 5 (1 being the most common mode of transport and 5 being the least common mode of transport) how do you travel?
  1 Use Very Often 2 Use Quite Often 3 Use Seldom 4 Hardly Ever Use 5 Never Use
8. What is your preference for the following media; how would you score each category?
In the chosen box, give an example of the kind of sites, books, magazines and newspapers you read, if any.
  Love Like Indifferent Don't Like Detest
Books/Printed Text
9. What are your spending priorities on a scale of 1 to 5?
Rate the priority as 1 for a very high priority to 5 for a very low priority. 
  1 Very High 2 High 3 Indifferent 4 Low 5 Very Low
10. How often do you shop for clothes? *
11. On average, how much do you spend on clothes per month? *
12. On average, how much would you be willing to spend on an outfit (excluding outer wear and shoes)? *
13. How much will you usually be willing to spend on a pair of shoes (that you need and love)? *
14. Do you shop Online? *
15. Do you prefer shopping online or in shops? *
16. Who do you shop with? Please name a few of your favourite brands and shops to buy clothes. *
17. Do you shop with sustainable and ethical brands? Please answer Yes or No.
If you answer Yes, can I please email you further questions regarding your wardrobe?
Please enter your answer in the box below.
Please enter your email address (if you wish to participate) in the space below, thank you. 
18. Do you know of any sustainable and ethical brands?
Please answer Yes or No in the text box below.
If you answer Yes, please write who you know of to be sustainable and ethical.
19. Which brands do you recognise? *
20. Have you shopped with any of the brands mentioned above?
Please answer Yes or No in the text box below.
If you answer Yes, which brands?
21. If you don't usually shop with sustainable/ethical clothing brands, would you consider buying from one if they supplied what you need? *
22. Holistically (not only in fashion design), how important do you consider sustainability to be? *
23. How important do you consider sustainability to be within fashion design? *

Created with SurveyExpression Survey Software.