The lifestyle of scientists
Answers marked with a * are required.
1. What is your favorite way to spend your free time? Please give a few examples.
2. Do you have a hobby?

3. What is your hobby?
4. What is your favorite:
Tv programme
5.  How many times last year did you:
  Never Once 2-5 times 6-10 times More than 10 times
Go to the cinema
Organize a party
Go to the restaurant
Go to the pub
Go for a party
Go to see a doctor
Go for holidays (short or long)
Visit a museum
Work as a volunteer
Send money for a charity
Feel ill
Go to the theatre
Go shopping
Read a book (how many books did you read)
Go for a date
6. How often do you spend your free time with your friends?

7. Do your friends have the same level of education as you do?

8. If your best friend had to describe you with one adjective, what do you think he would say?
9. Do you practise any sport?

10. What sport is it?
11. How much time per week do you spend on physical activities?

12. How important to you is your job?

13. Do you often work overhours?

14. How important to you is your private life?

15. What is the estimated percentage of your salary that you spend on:
cultural activities (cinema, theatre, museum)
going out (restaurants, pubs, clubs, cafes etc.)
others (please specify)
16. How important to you is a physical appearance?

17. What is the feature you like most about yourself?
18. What would you like to change about yourself?
19. What is your biggest dream?
20. Do you know any movies/tv series about scientists?

21. What movies/tv series about scientists do you know (please give a few examples)?
22. Do you think that scientists in these productions are presented:


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