SPECIALS-On-DEMAND - You dictate what products should be on SPECIAL. On average, it takes about 10 minutes to complete the request.
Your Thank You Gifts will be waiting for you at the end of this process. Answers marked with a * are required.
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1. Please rate the order of importance of the decision factors below when making a decision on which product to buy.  1 being the most important and 10 the least important
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Technical Specification
Brand Track Record
Product Pricing
Ease of Use
Product Familiarity
Professional Reviews
Peer Recommendation
2. How important is reputation and customer feedback of the seller/dealer when deciding from which seller to buy? *
3. Would consider buying from a company that does not operate in a commercial environment (garage operation) or a company that does not provide physical address or verifiable contact information?

Created with SurveyExpression Survey Software.