Consumer Interaction with Fashion Blogs
Answers marked with a * are required.
1. Do you read any type of fashion blog? (If yes, please continue to question 2) *

2. Please specify which age category you are in *
3. How often do you read fashion blogs? *
4. If you answered other to the previous question, please specify
5. What is the perceived difference between personal fashion blogs and corporate fashion blogs? *
6. Which type of fashion blog do you read? *
7. Do you have a preference over which type of fashion blog you read? (Personal or Corporate) *
8. If you answered yes to the previous question, why do you prefer this type of fashion blog?
9. Which type of fashion blog do you believe has better content? *
10. Do you have a favourite High Street retailer blog? *
11. If yes, please specify
12. Could you consider how Important each element below is in attracting you to read a fashion blog (On a scale of 1-5, 1 being the most important element, 5 being the least important element) *
  1- Most Important 2- Important 3- Sometimes Important 4- Not Important 5-Least Important
Products Featured
13. Would you be drawn to fashion blog with more image-based content or more text-based content? *
14. How Likely are you to purchase an item featured on a personal fashion blog? *
15. How Likely are you to purchase an item featured on a corporate fashion blog?
16. I feel a personal connection with the blogger when reading a personal fashion blog *
17. I feel a personal connection with the brand when reading Corporate Fashion Blogs *

How often do you trust that the blogger is blogging their personal opinion and not being paid to endorse a product?

19. I am more likely to make a purchase if i trust the fashion blogger *
20. I am more motivated to purchase if the blog contains video posts *
21. When you visit a corporate website, do you check if they have a fashion blog? *
22. I am more likely to purchase a product from the brand after reading their Corporate fashion blog post *

Created with SurveyExpression Survey Software.